Simon Thorsell, Kajakguide
Hej - Simon heter jag.
Jag är egentligen en landkrabba från Västergötland men efter gymnasiet i Värmland där jag läste Äventyrsturism har insett att jag även trivs enormt bra på havet.
Friluftsliv ligger mig varmt om hjärtat och jag älskar att sova i tält och laga mat över öppen eld.
Jag har gjort min praktik under gymnasiet hos Nautopp 2016 men sedan 2018 har jag även jobbat hos Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad under sommaren. Jag har under den tiden fått en enorm passion för havskajakpaddling och jag det gillar att dela med mig av.
När jag inte paddlar kajak gillar jag att cykla mtb, cross eller åka skidor. Jag gjorde min första och förmodligen inte sista säsong i fjällen ( Åre) vintern 2018/2019 där jag trivdes väldigt bra!
Mig kommer ni i kontakt med speciellt när ni hyr kajak eller är med på guidade dagsturer.
Simon Thorsell, Kajakguide
Hej - Simon heter jag.
Jag är egentligen en landkrabba från Västergötland men efter gymnasiet i Värmland där jag läste Äventyrsturism har insett att jag även trivs enormt bra på havet.
Friluftsliv ligger mig varmt om hjärtat och jag älskar att sova i tält och laga mat över öppen eld.
Jag har gjort min praktik under gymnasiet hos Nautopp 2016 men sedan 2018 har jag även jobbat hos Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad under sommaren. Jag har under den tiden fått en enorm passion för havskajakpaddling och jag det gillar att dela med mig av.
När jag inte paddlar kajak gillar jag att cykla mtb, cross eller åka skidor. Jag gjorde min första och förmodligen inte sista säsong i fjällen ( Åre) vintern 2018/2019 där jag trivdes väldigt bra!
Mig kommer ni i kontakt med speciellt när ni hyr kajak eller är med på guidade dagsturer.
Incidentmanagement and leadership for sea kayakers
If you want to learn tools and strategies to lead and execute trips on the sea, this is a skill boosting course for you. This is also a great course to join if you want more tips and tricks before attending a higher level certification course like the EPP (Euro Paddle Pass) Red Level where leadership skills are needed to be certified.
At Nautopp we talk about the 360 awareness meaning the ability to not focus on your own paddling and instead taking in the environment and the group to calm but assertive prevent or push towards individual goals. To analyse the situation is the key tool to be able to take responsebility and execute safe and effective rescues or guided days on the sea. Techniques and tactics and to choose the correct overall strategy to prevent handle incidents are also top subjects for these two days on the water.
We strive towards control not chaos!
This course is mainly practical but we do discuss terms such as SHEETS, CLAP, SAFER and work with plans and strategies in the classroom to be used on the water later on. We practice leadership strategies like, CATCH MAN, CHAIN LINK, BODY BOATING for prevention, communication and to challange the group in open water and closer to the break zone. We work with our rescues and towing and simulate komplex situations and how to salve them with a 360 awareness.
Course outline:
Leadership: Your role and presentation. First leader or cooperation with a second. Communication, playfullness and prevention leadership in different situations.
Route choice and planning.
Exercises and ways to effectivly communicate with other paddlers or swimmers.
Basic rescuetechniques - what, where and when? How can we make this a visual language so that everyone understands whats going on.
Rescues focued on unconscious or hurt paddlers.
Demanding landings.
The self rescue ladder - do you have a plan for you own safety.
Short- and long towing - techniques, tactics and choice of equipment.
Assisted rescues such as building rafts and anchored rescues.
We work with role play scenario to get as realistic training as possible and to get a deeper understanding of incidmanagement and leadership dynamics.
Previous knowledge:
Do a controlled* wet exit on deep water, solid fundamental skills that enables you to maneuver you kayak in winds up to 25 kn and wave hight up to 1m. You are also in good physical condition and have good knowledge how to dress properly for occasionally during the course being in the water.
*Controlled wet exit means that with your head under the water calmly getting your you spray deck off and floating up beside your kayak while the whole time being in control of your kayak, paddle and surrounding. Finishing off by swimming beside your kayak to either end holding on to the grab handle and your paddle. Relaying on a paddle leash is not being in control.
For whom?
This course is for the intermediate paddler looking to enhance their knowledge in preparing, leading and executing rescues in a more exposed sea environment. Maybe you would like to lead in commercial or club set up and want a solid format to do so, increasing your awareness, adding tools to salve problems and just learning to thinking one step further.
Whats included:
ISKGA (International Sea Kayak Guide Acadamy) Advanced Guide och BC Advanced Seakayak Leader Torbjörn Söderholm coaching both practical and theoretical content. Torbjörn has been working professionally with leading and teaching sea kayakers since 2005, both nationally and internationally as well as been a part of mentoring and coaching programs for adventure guides in a variety of Swedish outdoor organisations.
-Towline (if you have your own, bring it)
-PE Kayaks can be rented for the course to a subsidize price. See under Extra during the Booking.
Booking you course:
This course is developed towards the goal to lead groups safely and efficently and are therefor perfect as a team development course for schools, organisations and companies with this specific interest.
Are you a group of 4-6 participants we might be able to salve a tailored date for you, please send your inquiry to
Price pr participant:
3.595 SEK
important information:
Course expands over two days and each course day starts at 10am and ends at 5pm.
Equipmnet needed (not included):
Buoyancy aid
Helmet (can be borrowed from us)
Kayak (can be rented from us)
Spray deck
lens pump
Paddle float
Long tow (can be borrowed)
Contact tow (can be borrowed)
First aid kit (Optional)
Repair kit (Optional)
Drink, food and snacks for the day
Dry suite or similar covering typ of clothing for spending times in the water and not getting hypothermic.
Extra dry spare of clothes as well as some kind of coverage during lunch in wet and windy conditions.
!! Please bring your own guide equipment as diss is a good opportunity to evaluate such items in different situations!!