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Alexander "Jalle" Stjernberg,
Frilansguide and Instructor

I grew up in the archipelago just north of Stockholm and I've always been active out on the water. When I was a teenager I discovered the beauty with sea kayaking, and since then, I've have been out on the water with my kayak as often as I can. I went for an education in Finland at Outdoor Academy to become a wilderness guide and Nordic outdoor guide. 
Since then I've been working in the archipelago outside Stockholm for Kajak&uteliv. Other then that I've been to England for an internship at Sea Kayaking Cornwall, a season in New Zealand as an adventure guide and Norway to educate other people in sea kayaking. 
Now I've moved to the other coast of Sweden with my girlfriend to study medicine in Gothenburg.
I'm a "gadgetgeek" who loves to teach and see people evolve. When you don't see me on the water I will take the opportunity to play some music or other creative stuff.

Jalle is working mainly with our advanced courses and Surf events in Denmark.


-NIL instructor – 2015 (Nordic instructor license)
-BCU 3* – 2014 (British canoe Union)
-WFR, Wilderness First Responder – 2015
-Assessor within EPP, level 2 (European paddle pass)
-Education within Nordic outdoor guide 2012-2014
-Wilderness degree – 2014

-Activity Leader Norwegian Canoe Federation

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Contact us:

Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad

Småbåtshamnen, Svinnässidan

45772 Grebbestad


Phone/Telefon: +46 (0)525-10930

Mobil: +46 (0)732632563

E- mail:

Opening hours costumer service: See About us/opening hours

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