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BC 4 Sea Kayak Leader, about the award.

The BC Sea Kayak Leader award ( earlier 4 star training award) is a leadership award and the training is very much about taking care of a group and guide them in a safe and efficient way on the water.  On the BC 3 star sea award individual are regarded as a a strong part of the group but on the BC Sea Kayak Leader you will be the leader and make all the decisions 
During the 2 days you will get professional coaching in personal skills, problem solving and strategies for trip planning. We'll deal with incident management and rescues like rough water rescues, contact tows, self rescue and techniques for towing a sea sick or injured paddler longer distances. We'll also cover good communication and discuss how to position yourself towards the group as a part of a dynamic leadership skill. 
Even tough the award will take place in a more dynamic environment than the Bc 3 star sea award remember that it's still only a training and you're here to learn from occasional mistakes. Many people see the award as a way to become a stronger paddler and you don't need to have the assessment as a goal in the future to join the course.
The movie below is a mixture of a 3 star and a 4 star training together with Nick Cunliffe when he was in Sweden a few years ago.


What is the BC

BC is "British Canoeing" earlier it was named BCU "British Canoe Union" - an international certification system for kayak coaches and sea kayak leaders.

Prior experiences

To take part in this BC Sea Kayak Leader award you should have intermediate personal skills. It should not be the first time you do rescues and you need to feel comfortable in wind and waves of a moderate size. Important however to remember is that you really don't need to be a professional but you must be interested in personal development and leadership. The course is perfect for you either working in the industry or working as a leader in the local kayak club or aiming to get a better over all knowledge of sea kayaking.

Optional extra: 

The BC Sea Kayak Leader is divided into two parts a practical and a theroretical.  This course is the practical part. If you're planning to get the certification in the future you also need the "Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning" course. We offer that the 18'th of September with a minimun of 3 persons. Add it to the booking if needed.

Dates 2020: 

19'th - 20'th of September



- 2 days of coaching and guiding by BCU Level 5 coach James Stevenson
- Kayak and equipment is NOT included but can be booked for a discounted price together with your booking.
Every day starts at 09.00 until apx 17.00 



3995 SEK

(Price pr person )



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Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad

Småbåtshamnen, Svinnässidan

45772 Grebbestad

Phone/Telefon: +46 (0)525-10930

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